(202) 480-9706 — info@rturner.net
rTurner Consulting, LLC

NASA SEWP VI - Proposal Compliance

NASA SEWP VI - Proposal Compliance

NASA SEWP VI - Proposal Compliance

NASA SEWP VI - Proposal Compliance

Regular price $2,500.00

Proposal Compliance Reviews 

This purchase provides customer with a complete compliance review of their NASA SEWP VI proposal (Volume 1, 2 and 3). 

Compliance Reviews will be completed within 24 hours of documents received from CLIENT. 

A compliance matrix will be used that reflects the current RFP requirements.

A complete report will be submitted to CLIENT detailing compliance and gaps in the proposal content received.

After purchase, customer will receive a consulting agreement that should be signed and returned to info@rturner.net. 

Tags: sewp6

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