ISO 9001 Accelerator
The ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard applies to multiple industries; hence, many of the available templates and training programs are built to be adaptable to a cross-section of industries.
Our ISO 9001 Accelerator was specifically developed for GovCon Services providers to accelerate the implementation of an ISO 9001-compliant Quality Management System and position your firm to begin preparing for an ISO audit in 60-days or less. This is an intensive, rapid implementation program that is offered with a fixed-price SOW that can be started as soon as your team is organized and ready to go!
Client Profile
GovCon Engineering, IT or Professional ServicesProvider to DOD or Civilian Agencies
Contracts that define deliverables, metrics andquality standards.
Ability to adjust Staffing, Recruiting and ContractManagement processes to conform to ISOQuality Standards.
10 – 40 hours/month available to supportthis project.
Program Objectives
Mentor an internal Quality Manager. Educate Staff onQuality Management Practices and Standards.
Accelerate QMS implementation through focusedtraining, mentoring, pre-written documents, policies,manuals, and management tools.
Institutionalize Quality Service Delivery and CustomerSatisfaction into the fabric of your organization.
Phased Implementation that walks step by step through the ISO standards.
Weekly Mentoring & Coaching On-demand Videotraining Pre-written QMS, HR Policy.
Contact Points
Robert W. TurnerFounder, Principal Innovatorinfo@rturner.net | (202) 480-9706