(202) 480-9706 — info@rturner.net
rTurner Consulting, LLC

OASIS+ Final RFP Webinar -- RFP Overview, Ambiguities and Teaming Solutions

OASIS+ Final RFP Webinar -- RFP Overview, Ambiguities and Teaming Solutions

OASIS+ Final RFP Webinar -- RFP Overview, Ambiguities and Teaming Solutions

OASIS+ Final RFP Webinar -- RFP Overview, Ambiguities and Teaming Solutions

Regular price $95.00

SUMMARY  In this first webinar discussing the GSA OASIS+ FINAL RFP, we will do a deep dive on the changes that GSA made to the RFP from the previous draft, discuss the ambiguities that still exist, present questions and issues that you can send to GSA to help shape Amendment 01.


  • Robert Turner from rTurner Consulting briefed the FINAL RFP Changes and Impacts
  • Kathy Lentz from Federal Insights discussed Ambiguities and Capture Strategies
  • Joshua Duvall from Maynard Nexsen discussed the legal issues, FAR clauses, Mentor-Protege concessions and the impacts we're seeing in industry from the recent Federal Court protest decisions.

At the end of the seminar, we presented some teaming resources for you to use and host a session of Live Q&A.

Tags: #oasis

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