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rTurner Consulting, LLC

WEBINAR: NASA SEWP VI Amendment 5 and Published Q&A Review (recording)

WEBINAR: NASA SEWP VI Amendment 5 and Published Q&A Review (recording)

WEBINAR: NASA SEWP VI Amendment 5 and Published Q&A Review (recording)

WEBINAR: NASA SEWP VI Amendment 5 and Published Q&A Review (recording)

Regular price $95.00

Last week NASA released Amendment 5, some updated forms and a 45-page slide deck summarizing their answers to a few of the 6,500 questions submitted since June. Well, if you've looked at the Amendment 5 docs and the published Q&A slide deck, you've probably got as many questions and frustrations as we do.

How Should We Respond?

In this webinar, we presented our analysis of the Amendment, the published Q&A, what NASA said, what they didn't say, and more importantly, how we as an Industry Group should respond.

Help Industry Develop One Voice

When we communicate with Government Agencies with a single voice we can affect changes in these RFP. Join Us Friday and help us all better understand where we are, where we're headed and how we respond to NASA re: Amendment 5.

Tags: sewp6

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